Thursday 25 December 2003

16 weeks to 20 weeks

this my bouncy chair
my octopus chair

iv come out of the bath

I,am  trying to crawl
my Christmas 

at my dads feet , he is wearing his running socks !

This is at Brampton where i stayed at

Thursday 6 November 2003

8 to 12 weeks

me looking Serious

me and daddy

me lying on my bed

I'm playing on my mat
me smiling
I'm staring at you

on the sofa

Wednesday 5 November 2003

12 t o16 weeks Old

me playing on the baby chair

me and grandma

do you like my jumper ?

my first baby meal sloppy rice 

I am trying to feed myself !

Thursday 18 September 2003

4 to 8 weeks

This is me asleep

I love the clothes I wore !

Me in the car seat

I am just starting to laugh !

This is larger than Me !

I love the shoes !