Thursday 26 August 2010

Fermont Fort maginot line

this is the main entrance to the fort

this is a 88 mm German gun

this is a really noisy train

a very narrow passage

this is a turret that moves up and down.

Trou des Fées (Fairy Caves) - Virton, Belgium

This is the car park for the Fairy Caves at Croix Rouge, near Virton.

Going up the hill to the caves.

In the caves.

This bit was too small, we can't go any further in.

This image is like the two squirrels I saw playing in the forest where the caves were.

Link to the route we took:

Here is a link for the caves in French:

Sunday 22 August 2010

Lower Montcliffe quarry, Site of Montcliffe Colliery

Debris from the mine or quarry?

Is this a fossil?

This is the quarry.

A lot of water from an unknown source-iron pipe?

A sun fire mark on a house.

Yarrow plant to help stop bleeding.

The route:

good overview of the Montcliffe colliery
climbing site