Thursday 2 September 2010

Explore the disused railway at Dochamps, Belgium two trips 29/8 and 2/9

a set of points

a expansion gap that  allows for hot weather

a bolt to hold the track and has the letter B on it ,I collected some of these.
level crossing sign

a railway sign
there were a lots of nettles we used a stick to clear the nettles
a bend on the track

I am standing on a bridge 

castle at la-Roche Belgium 2/9/2010

the gate house for the castle

inner wall

this is the highest point on the castle
this is the dinner room

this is a tower well it  used to be

this is a view of  the church  and La-Roche

Wednesday 1 September 2010

War Memorials and Tanks in Belgium

Mardassone war memorial at Bastogne.

Sherman tank at Bastogne.

SAS Belgian memorial at Hotton.

The German advance was stopped here, the River Meuse, Hotton.

Archillies tank destroyer in La Roche.

Sherman tank in La Roche.