Saturday 2 October 2010

Two lads to Winter Hill to Rivington Pike via old mines and brickworks

me near the top of the  Two lads 

towards winter hill after the Two Lads

Old reservoir? 

old mine?

look carefully at the bridge I am on it!

me running on stone- to practice running across  loose rock and stone

old mine remains near the winter hill mast  ?
old wooden walkway

old brickworks at back of the mast 

old bricks found at old brickworks 
me wet and muddy after running between the mast and the Pike

dad very wet and muddy   -my dad was waist deep LOL, we had to clean up in a stream otherwise my mum wouldn't let us back in the house 
dead sheep that got stuck in the mud you have to be careful on soft ground !

at last  the pike 

4.26 miles , rough terrain, very soft ground due to rain  , -very boggy in places !, sunny 

Sunday 26 September 2010

Grizedale walk-a long walk for my sister!

my family without dad who is taking the photo !

we have a long way to go

this is Evie with her new zebra hat

this is a wigwam
giant man

us on the bridge

a lovely beetle it made a funny noise!  it went like this ah ah plus vibrated at the same time  it was odd
me looking at a very noisy waterfall

me with my hat with  spikes on it

I am still a very long way from the car

oh look the sign near the car  thanks for  looking ! Forestry commissions web site   general guide to area Local mountain rescue team  Langdale/Ambleside Mountain Rescue Team (LAMRT)