Friday 3 December 2010

Two Lads ,Winter Hill, Horwich in the falling snow at -6

Note from Dad  :Please take advice/care  before going up on the Hills 

the last time we were out we were just testing  the equipment ,

 this time we tested the equipment, road up to this area  was clear(this is steep and single track in poor weather  - though it had patches of 2 inches of snow plus some ice, when we set back the road was completely covered in snow ,
weather was OK snow falling  -4 , medium  wind chill and snow falling ,we headed down after the weather closed in and the  snow became  heavy high  wind chill -6 c  - footprints were becoming obscured ,
If you are driving in Autumn,winter or spring  take the precaution of using cold weather tyres -they really do work !!!! I don't endorse this site but  read the advice about "winter tyres"
we got up and down to winter hill safely without a problem,
you don't want to turn up to your car tired wet and cold and unable to drive yourself out of the situation.

a video of me on the way to  Two Lads
me on top of one of the tallest  Two Lads

the last time I was up here!

a  video of the snow falling down

Evie and me in the snow
Evie in the snow and a bit grumpy 
Note from Evie : I was not !

me making a snow angel 

on the way down from Two Lads

The weather got worse as we came down -the snow was in our eyes! me writing our names in the snow!

route -we know this route in the dark and poor conditions we use map and compass and GPS tracking !

Both children had extra layers and winter grade boots -both waterproof and insulated , the slopes were covered in dry snow with fresh snow falling on top , we kept to the low incline and decent , this track does contain boulders, ridges and a quarry on one side - things which are not on the map and can cause a  injury leaving you stuck in poor weather unable to move off the hill to safety ,–-just-in-time-for-the-snow/

Sunday 28 November 2010

Fairy Battery,Turton and Entwistle reservoir,Bolton -3 to - 6c no Snow!

This is our third blog with places with the name of Fairy in them 
the other two are 
fairy caves -Trou des fees ,this was in Virton Belgium
Fairy steps -this was in Beetham ,Cumbria 

me walking on ice 
there is water flowing underneath this ice I am staying to the safe parts !
ice crystals  
in the quarry  
can you see me ? advantage of Hi visibility clothing !
memorial bench  by Bolton Holiday fellowship
memorial bench 
link to Bolton's HF

memorial bench in memory to Craig Tuppen
 Fairy Battery, an outcrop of rock popular with climbers.  The site was the secret meeting place of non-conformist worshippers in the 17th century.  Opposite the outcrop on the other side of the stream is a quarry complex with extensive mine caverns, now filled in. - taken from Blackburn and Darwen council site 

me on top of Fairy Battery, I am being careful as there is a big drop on the other side!!!

climbing up a boulder  this was slippy and covered with ice 
very little to grip onto !

??? ditches they just seemed to be filled with water ?
bell pit -we had seen this from Cranberry moss
right hand side of photo
we saw  several mines around the top of Fairy Battery.
our last adventure was to Cranberry moss last weekend

giant icicles

some of the rock outcrops  in this area 

some of the sites about the reservoir