Saturday 11 December 2010

Darwen Moor mines , Turn Lowe, Higher Pasture Barn Farm ?, Joseph Higson Daubhill Brick from Bolton, near Blackburn and Darwen , very misty and -2C

known as  Pasture Barn Farm ruins

Winter Hill with the Fog coming in you can see the plane trails high in the sky - mast is to the right

me on the ice
Note from Dad: most of the route was clear but ice patches on the top were found

iron pipe in the grass -from the Mine?

me looking at the ruins 

a old building
better photo of this type of  Brick
Brick from Joseph Higson Daubhill Brickworks Bolton location of Brickworks,

a metal pipe ?
Note from dad :some aspects of the building were odd for a farm
mist coming in over the mine above the farm ruins - the other half is flooded
in the mist at Turn Lowe,  The mist took 30 minutess to come down across our route making it cold and difficult to see,
me on a capped mine shaft - poor visibility which got worse as it became dark

better day and photo!
another shaft 
old mine shaft and a mine  tip
me doing a roly-poly down the hill - have fun as well !!
Route we took 
history of mines in this area 
About the area around Darwen

see section Section 20 - 21 

Sunday 5 December 2010

Walker fold to Burnt edge to Montcliffe to wallsuches ,Winter Hill, Horwich(-snow -8C)

hot chocolate in the snow
This is picture of the Burnt edge colliery

previous pictures of the colliery without the snow 
crossing the snow -without a path

deep snow -this was crisp on top if you went through this it was deep -up-to my Knees
looking   at a plane going to Manchester airport enlarge the picture !    

video as the Sun going down - red sunset, winter Hill mast ,

This route takes is over 3 miles , we had another mile to go after this - turn left  to where we arranged to be picked up at new chapel lane church one of the nine heritage buildings

Wallsuches -Between Montserrat and Horwich is Wallsuches, and it is thought that the name is derived from 'wella', the Old English for water, and 'soc', Old English for soak. It was here that the Ridgeway family moved their bleaching croft, from the centre of Bolton, to a site by the stream called Pearl Brook in the late 18th century. Bottom o'th'Moor is just above Wallsuches.
housing development on old bleach works site

further details of Bleach works and Wallsuches,

route:snow deep in places , very cold and high wind chill factor , failing light ,  temperature without Wind chill at -8c ,

Note from Dad  :Please take advice/care  before going up on the Hills 

Turton and Entwistle Reservoir in the Snow, Bolton -4C to -6C in the shade

a giant block of snow
the snow was very deep
a tunnel we found
the other  end of the tunnel 

the ice bridge ! 

me and Evie relaxing

Jake that is me and Evie on the bridge
Memorial forest
a memorial to people who have died 
playing on the path
looking how deep the snow is

Note from Dad  :Please take care before going out in cold temperature's with young children support mountain rescue teams don't  use their services !
temperature varied from -4c to -6c even in the sunshine ,  ice found on boulders and in some areas on the well used paths - the previous day it had rained and this had frozen overnight enjoy !