Saturday 8 January 2011

Wilderswood , Crooked edge Hill ,Two Lads, Wallsuches to new chapel lane , Winter Hill, Horwich


3 miles - Wilderswood , Crooked edge Hill ,Two Lads, Wallsuches  to New Chapel lane

Jakes blogs for Montcliffe

Jakes Blogs for two lads 

Jakes Blogs for New Chapel Lane

note from Dad : Wilderswood  - on the left hand side of the wood was shaft number 1 for wilderswood colliery 
 Rivington Pike

 Lower Rivington reservoir

 note from dad :Memorial to Claire Astbury  1977 to 2009 which we found just below two lads

me on top of two lads it was too windy to stay upright safely 
me running down the hill from two lads  

can you find me 
me in the mud 
coal on the path , pieces of old brick found on this path 
pieces of burnt coal  called clinker -

Note from dad :armchair - almost a bell pit shape -side nearest seems to have been washed away!

me climbing out of a stream
 Red Moss , Reebok stadium  from Montcliffe
 one tiny orange mushroom - can you see ?

iron rail found on path down from Lower Montcliffe Quarry 

 fossil which we found last time

 Path up to one of the Montcliffe lower quarries

on the way to the reservoir above the Arcon development  on the way to Wallsuches 

visibility went from  just under a mile  to 15 metres in just under 10 mins 
high wind chill factor , sleet some snow and hail ,
enjoy and keep safe when outside
please take care