Wednesday 31 August 2011

8 mile round trip ,Margaret 6600 Bastogne, Ligne 163 , bois de la paix, wood of Peace , Belguim,

Note from Dad This was a warm day at around 25 , humid , 8 miles aprox .


Start of the Church at Margaret 6600 Bastogne,
small commemorative plaque
most of the roads are called Margaret , so they put a sign up telling where to find the house numbers

off we go !
can you see the flock of birds - they were very noisy !
the electricity line was full of the birds !
we passed a lot of cows !
Evie and me have sun cream on already
Leo also has sun cream on but he does not like it being put on ,
Evie in the woods - this is peace woods

there is lots of woods around here,
a sign telling you about a path !
can you see the wind turbine?
we found a old trailer on the railway
This the railway line looking towards the memorial for 101st airborne divsion

an old bridge - I spent time here while we were having a picnic looking at lizards they were too fast to photograph, they were black in colour
look what hopped onto Leo's push chair
a green grasshopper

its on me !
off we go , we saw lots of people on bikes

Leo is sitting up most of the time in the pushchair

after such a long walk Leo is asleep with his sun hat on him !
Ths old station can you see the sunflower ?
next to it is the memorial to the 101st Airborne division we saw last time

we found a beetle in the grass
Evie held it too !

he 4,000 trees making up this wood were planted for the 50t

these are some of the solders names who came back

the beetle is still on me !

some of the trees that make up the woods
a rest - this was a long way - we now have just done 6 miles ,
we are running about - still 

Evie on road from the peace woods back to Margaret  its about another 2 miles from here :(