Saturday 26 November 2011

Winter Hill Navigation Practice and Spanish food week

Weather - poor , windy -gusts up to 40 mph ,driving rain ,very poor visibility at times , ideal training for Map and compass for Jake , the route was about Jake following a compass bearing in poor conditions and being  able to get to the correct point with minimum guidance from myself.,Jake corrected the route several times to avoid the Bogs and old shafts  and got to the correct point. Jake is being taught how to navigate in all weathers on winter hill ,as the weather can change dramatically like it did today , it went from  poor weather to almost calm  with good visibility in less than 10 mins  Please be careful , we take a great deal of care and prepare well, Jake was equipped with full waterproofs from head to toe, Jake uses and has spare multiple layers,today Jake switched his head gear from his distinctive spikey hat  to deal with the driving rain ,  his trainers are designed for these conditions and should not be confused with normal trainers , these are locally made and fell running trainers. 

Jake has been taught many techniques to reduce windchill and the effects of the weather ,and now does this instinctively , Jake has on him headlamp, emergency led light whistle, mobile phone (fully charged), spare gloves, spare batteries ,extra clothing, GPS tracker, walkie talkie, map, compass, high viz clothing/reflective piping, running strobe lights with 1 mile range. giving him 360 Visibility which is essential in these conditions. he has sweets plus GORP snacks on him.

my route 
I  used this technique to move around in  the driving rain to protect my eyes , this rain stings and hurts
I can see without loosing visibility due to the rain, I  changed my hat and cover my face to protect my eyes and allow me to see.
the weather was very poor
looking down from the two lads
the weather closes in,
standing on the two lads

this is mals website

I had to find my way on a compass bearing back to the road where the old tramway joins
i use this technique to get  away from the rain and wind , I find the place with the least wind and protect myself from the storm.,

I am learning how to navigate - with a map and compass
I go from point to point , if you look carefully you can find points to aim for , once you have reached this one you check your compass and aim for the next point. you can use a person to do this , but dad wants me to be able to do this on my own without another person.

I used this section of high grass to aim for  now that I have arrived ,I am looking for the next point,

the weather is getting worse the wind is stronger and is driving the rain harder now

I was looking at my compass and forgot to remember to look at my feet , I slipped and fell down  ,
my dad was there to make sure i was OK before he took the photo I was laughing so much !
one of the old  remains on winter hill

I use this combination of hats and clothing to make sure I stay warm and dry , I have upgraded my coat to winter grade and  a winter grade fleece, I have another two layers  which keep me from overheating and feeling damp
I can run between points ,here I am aiming for a black band of peat .

this made a good point to aim for and road was just past this point,

we ran down the tramway after me taking a safety bearing  though the path is very easy to follow

the top path leading to the tramway was very wet
we raced down the tramway

the weather started to clear  -this is looking towards two lads

I am having a snack i have a pair of gloves which allow me to do this so I can still have my hands covered up.

This is looking towards Bolton
Two Lads
I keep to the side so my trainers don't wear out so quickly
Lower Rivington reservoir

Bolton were playing at home this is Reebok, they were playing Everton

Nearly at the car

Every week we are trying food from different parts of the World,
we ate Spanish , this time 
patatas bravas, paella, Gambas Ajillo (Garlic Prawns). Spanish meats

New Chapel lane to Wallsuches to Fleet street


New chapel lane
 me walking on tha pavement -there isnt a lot of pavement along this road !
you have to be careful on this road
 bottom of Georges lane
 great name !
 Evie showing me the E in her name !
 one of the houses for Wallsuches
 we watched the swans and geese on the reservoir
 the Dam wall

 me looking for bugs
 Evie in the water -this freezes in the winter

Arcon Village 
Can you see the bricks , the rest of the house is stone

can you the insect

can you see the Pike ?
this is strange its like a doorway in the wall ?
a strange pool

post - red rose forest

Ridgmont cematory

in the bushes was a stone lined well - tunnel ?
next to Ridgmont house looks almost man made hill ?

this is a very old part of Horwich -Fleet street

one of the houses has 1771
Monkey Puzzle tree !

Horwich Parish Church,_Horwich
can you see the hawk ?