Nidderdale Tunnel and End of year run

5 miles in heavy rain , gusts upto 50 mph , I became very tired towards the end , hard climb out of valley, 900ft climb ,

visit to Tunnel !

Bricks in the tunnel
concrete lining ?

some of the wooden beams on the floor
wooden beams found on the tunnel ceiling
a beam to support the concrete
lots of blocks of rocks on the floor
looks like a worm !

recent collapse on the wall

some speakers ! party?

Blocked exit to tunnel

Wood beams in the roof of the tunnel !

the worm again !

please be careful in places like this,
I am fully equipped to deal with this ,
please dont venture without the research and advice !

River in full flood !

Crossing the River Nidd,d.d2k

we had to cross 4 streams in flood, my dad has taught me to do this safely ,
please be careful you can find your way blocked with a detour making you more tired and route taking longer than you planned, you have to be very careful in this type of weather with floods!

note from Dad,
the Bridge was tested before we went across , though a sudden intentional release of water from the reservoir could have caused problems Jake could have been off the bridge before a incident !

scar house reservoir ,

Lofthouse moor

I have switched to my other coat as the weather had turned being more windy, I  swapped my gloves and hat to keep things more wind resistant ,

Gouthwaite reservoir

the weather had cleared , but still the wind , my feet became cold at this point as the constant water soaking penetrated my layers, it was like running through a river !

very wet today very windy it had gusts upto 50mph

a quarry no mines !

every route was the same !
marked as a shooting lodge

the wind was so strong it blew the water back up a waterfall !
Leo reading !