Saturday 24 March 2012

underground in Wales

Note: from Dad This was a underground exploration with full kit plus very experienced leaders ,
It is not something that you should  undertake lightly or on your own ,  

 I had to set off early in the morning as this was a long drive from our house ,  this mine was where they  mined iron and coal
 one of the pit props
 some of the coal  we found ,

 a old rail

I had to clamber over a lot of rocks and boulders as the mine had different levels.

 people were very kind to me and told me a lot of things about how they used to mine, they took time to explain things to me and to keep me safe

 one of the tunnels we don't have a good camera which can take photos in the dark  , my dad had to take the photos !
 I had to climb over some big boulders I really enjoyed this and was very grateful I had been invited

this is a mark from steel ropes or chains used to pull the trucks along

me next to a pit prop
Note from Dad: This photo was taken by Snakeoil it really captures Jake and the tunnel and shows you the historic value of places like this, if these are not recorded and explored we will loose these sites forever. I think a better camera is needed, we use Blackberry camera's due the GPS tagging ,robust nature and the ability to track Jakes  location remotely via GPS. Thanks again for the Photo!

Sunday 18 March 2012

mothers day

 Leo is looking at me he is wearing his new fleece,
 its raining  we are trying out ventile  to see if this work better its very wet  ! 

 we are out for Mothers day walk
 we found a gate post in the undergrowth near the entrance to wilderswood 

 me and Evie looking counting the tree rings
 this is the pike

 me and mum walking together chatting !
 I dragged this stick around Wilderswood
 we left Evie and mum to go for a quick explore

 off  along the stream

 one of the old adits in wilderswood
dad  note this is blocked after a few feet !
the mast and two lads !
waiting for mum and Evie !