Saturday 12 May 2012

Burnt Edge colliery , Winter Hill

 you can see the old stones for the road to colliery

 can you see the moon ?
 this is the old shaft which is capped !
 you can just see the outline of the building

 appears to be a brick lined kilm
 mine waste

 appears to be a dam wall

 winter hill mast
 possible adit

 old roadway

 old building

 air shaft cap

 track leading from the air shaft

 looking towards Bolton and the moors above Manchester

 can you the carving

 old farm house

 winter Hill mast

 two Lads
 old quarry
 new fence in front of a old bell pit
 White Brow

 Reebok stadium

airship ! Goodyear blimp
Montcliffe  quarry