Sunday 17 June 2012

Penarth Slate Mine, Carrog, North Wales, fathers day

What a view !

Big thankyou from me  to the person who showed us round !!!
I have to wear Glasses now

we found a tramway rail
note from Dad,
Jake has a high viz layers on , uses Walsh trainers , he has a lot of equipment on him to keep him safe !
please respect the hills, they can bite,  , keep safe please

This is the quarry

the old quarry buildings
looking at my dad

not as good but you can see my dad ! my dad has to carry all the equipment ,

you can see the scale behind me is one of the tips
the old tramway

I met the person who invited me to the mine ! He is called Barry ! I am now in my underground coat ,
this is more robust and more effective than Gortex when dirty and wet , Keela make this !

the old mill cutting machine buildings

old tram cart

the sheep ran away from us all in a line !

they did not like my coat !
here I am
now I have gone !

underground , dont do this unless you have a guide !

a lot of rocks have different minerals in them so shine or have a lot of colours in them

Jake has  a new light thanks to Barry this is very powerful  , it has a 30 hour battery on full, waterproof , Jake has a  emergency light back up which has 72 hours on low light,  food , water, Jake has hi viz. equipment we carry spares to keep Jake warm in the event of issue,
we do this to record the wealth of industrial heritage, in the next few years we will be lucky to see so much due to vandalism and the removal of metal for a few pounds at a scrap dealer , these items have little value other than when  in situ 


wooden plugs were used to check to see if the rocks moved !
Barry told me so much about the history !

so much to see