Sunday 2 September 2012

Ehrhorn, luenburger heide ,Germany

I was really scared going to the top of the climbing wall but I got there eventually

nearly at the top

I really enjoyed going on the horses it was really nice

This was my favourite horse today

Evie enjoyed her time as well

Leo waiting for some food

Evie had her face painted

Leo had a nice time in the tent

Leo on a mushroom !

this was a marble game

I went on again and really enjoyed this

here I am at the top

This is my dad having to climb in shoes !

My dad at the top

Leo had a go on the horses but had to be held

Bees in a hive

I have to guess which of the poles will drop next

I had to hammer a nail into a log and its harder than it looks
we have to match the animals

spinning game

This day was hosted by a computer company