Saturday 15 December 2012

underground HBF bunker

 Hamburg underground
Bunker south HBF
Bunker Hamburg Hauptbahnhof at the main station

 The underground bunker is split into the north and south , we went into the south

 This means do not block  keep free emergency exit , it is in florescent paint
 some of the items which helped people , yes it is a potty!
 the chairs had soft head rests plus seat belts !

 a 1000 pound bomb
 old Nazi symbol

 air tight door which was gas proof
 Manual air pump

 the old second world war shelter plan

 Sandfilter room

 going down a level

 the place was full of chairs , this is the second floor

 Radio room

 woman's toilets

 Essen is to eat

 only two pans !

 means Door

 storage for food , only tinned and dried

 the only place we found sleeping places

 means exit


 This was a florescent map telling you where you are

 Generator room

 Two circuits

 battery pack

some of the details in the design to avoid vibration damage to the chairs 

 the Christmas train is very beautiful

 father Christmas came on the train 

 the driver tells the men to close the doors
it was a very old train  , it is going to the airport