Saturday 23 March 2013

Quick walk -8 ,

This Icicle is now very long ,  

 its - 8 Leo is very used to the low tempretures  now

 Leo's gloves on

 Leo walking through the forest

 Leo loves the snow, its still very deep as it too cold to melt  and its very cold today

Tuesday 19 March 2013

More snow ! Quick Post reached 80000 views today !

 One of the roads

 Post office
 White rose memorial in Snow

 Leo walking through the fresh snow

 Leo loves to take his time and likes to look at his foot prints in the snow

 It is snowing in flurries

 you can see the fresh snow and how deep it has become !

it is very quiet only the sound of us walking through deep snow and the birds

Monday 18 March 2013

30 cm of Snow ,Hamburg going to School :(

 Deep snow - 4 feel factor -12

 Still snowing, this morning they were caught out as the paths were not clear !
 Leo loves the soft snow

 Leo is now in the push chair which is called kinderwagen in German ,
Leo can understand if you say either!

Driving in 6 inches of snow !

waiting for the train which is on time !

 Nearly at School , we caught the bus today though I prefer to walk Evie likes the bus so does Leo !

 Evie crossing the snow

Dad picked up Leo in the Evening , they got off at Meindorfer Weg to walk through the snow

 you can see how deep the snow is in the forest

Deep snow Leo has walked most of the way !