Sunday 21 November 2010

Cranberry Moss, Bull Hill, Darwen, - Old mines,Quarries and Old Brickwork site ?.

Stone quarry
Note from Dad this was in line with the mines found later but no sign of any coal mine waste
on top of the quarry
looking towards the mines 
hot chocolate on top of a mine waste tip
can you see Darwen tower ? and me of course !

to collect water ? 
on top of a yet another  mine

mine entrances 
stone sleeper ?
to another  mine  -in line with the quarry
long stone - part of the mine ?
I love hot chocolate -see the bricks?  - another old mine 
another mine shaft
Bull Hill Brickworks ?

brick kiln 
see the picture of the Bull Hill Brick from this Kiln ?

two deer can you see them ?
last of the mines we saw - we came across around 32 old mines -too many to inspect each one

reasons for this area being full of mines ?
"The Entwistles used to sink little pits on Cranberry Moss, They were what was called Darwen yard mines .just a  few yards deep, coals were bought up by windlass, and sent to Turton, there was  fighting amongst the men. Some of them were too lazy to go down for coal, but when it was brought up they would fight for its ownership"

referance to Darwen yard mines

Our route 
weather Cold  below 4c, High chill factor, Jake is now in winter grade clothing , we have changed Jakes socks to include a  waterproof /Breathable layer plus thermal layer, He has brand new Walsh PB's for increased traction.

Useful links 
Information about the River Darwen which starts on Cranberry Moss

Bull hill maternity hospital

reference to mining at Cranberry moss

fireclay accidents - mines on cranberry moss

reference to mine in this area 

1 comment:

  1. A fantastic website, brilliant photo's and your enthusiasm is great Jake! My son is called Jacob - and he's just turned 7 - we like walking all over Winter Hill too - hope you have many happy walks around Bolton. God bless.
