Tuesday 28 December 2010

Coal pit road , colliers row , Brownstones quarry ,moortop barrows -Bell pit ,dean mills reservoir



Photo's of Colliers row - we will locate the mine another time,






above links are for the Quarry

note from dad : deep soft wet snow , with slush for the rest of the route , at high traffic areas -there was wet ice meaning very slippy conditions, mist conditions with rain - cold wet  penetrating type weather , Jake changed into over trousers and changed Jakes gloves the rest of Jake was dry apart from the last 1 mile when the slush became around 6 inches and  went  over into  Jakes waterproof socks, as this was a downhill section and we were near the car we didn't need to put dry socks on.

 Brownstones quarry
me checking the ground
my dad pouring my hot chocolate
hot chocolate sitting on a insulated mat
 Brownstones quarry
Hampsons Farm
the horses were very wet

part of the water pipes for the reservoir
crossing a stream
looks like a head with a flat cap on it !
mist and  talking to my dad on the walkie talkie


Note from Dad :what we found was a bell pit (had the tell tale signs of this type of mine and signs of other mines following a line ,we will revisit the area without snow - the wet snow was deep - knee deep for me, as its not clear we had the correct site due to the snow covering most of the area up,
note from dad Dad:  Hmmm........... I hope this wasn't a person , in the Czech republic before they go on the ice they wait  and only if the temperature has been below   -5  for 5 days before they take the risk,
dean mills reservoir supplied dean Mills


Roly poly down the bank 

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