Saturday 11 September 2010

Winter Hill Fold Pasture - the quarry and different insects I found

It was very foggy today.

This is a video of a river.

This is the mast in fog.

A pattern on a gate post. 

A Philipson brick from Bolton.

This is a quarry.

This is a really fast beetle, that wouldn't sit on my hand for long!

This is a caterpillar I found.

Friday 10 September 2010

Burnt edge colliery and a Hedgehog encounter

this is a old quarry?

this is me on a old wall ,It maybe a part of a mine?

this is a pattern carved into a gate post
this is a air shaft- capped.
this is the mine shaft for Burnt edge colliery -capped

mine waste -I found pieces of coal here

this is a baby hedgehog

I picked the hedgehog up -carefully !

this is what the Reebok looks like at night  

This is route I took 

Churches Belgium

a church la Bastogne
a lovely painted celling  in la Bastogne

statue in the Church

the Parish  church in La roche

lovely windows  (La Roche)

a mini  church Chapelle du Bonlieu

a war memorial on Chapelle du Bonlieu

different trees for every church in the parish -really good idea ! in front of Chapelle du Bonlieu

Thursday 9 September 2010

Animals that I found whilst out for walks in the Ardennes, Belgium.

This beetle is playing dead.

This beetle made a squeaking noise.

I found this shield bug at La Roche castle.

This is a grasshopper who sat on my hand for some time.

We found a frog in the long grass.

My sister found this stripy spider on its web.