Saturday 9 October 2010

lead mine clough Anglezarke - first explore of this area (back of Winter Hill)

I am starting off on my explore !

I am on a stone footbridge across one of the many streams,

this is a old farm ? we found on the way

this place is called Higher Hempshaws on the map

a old roof slate
a old mine trial near lead mines clough

mine adit at lead mines clough

 where the water wheel (powered by water) was that pumped the water out of the mine at lead mines clough

war memorial to a bomber which crashed in WW2 ,I am tidying this up by putting some of the crosses back (above lead mines clough)

I am resting I am getting very tired nearly at the car !
the route we took,

more information re this area

weather very windy, sunny -some tracks plus cross country , It was a  long way  (4.6 miles) for me !

Friday 8 October 2010

Dusk / Night time in wilderswood !

me in the dark in high visibility clothing

me going  into the water tunnel

old mine adit blocked after a few feet !

this water tunnel is blocked always check you can get out the other side!  

a small quarry  which was used to build the local houses

one water tunnel this is longer of the two tunnels ,caution a lot of fast flowing water!

second water tunnel  I fall in this one ! ;)

route that we took -

we followed the stream down - very fast flowing , weather was very windy ,