Saturday 27 November 2010

family walk -fairy steps, boulder climb -Walk Away V15, Beetham,near Milnthorpe, Cumbria ,snow and -3c

me and Evie in the stocks !

links to Beetham,

A small shrine to Saint Lioba (or Leoba), built into a stone wall in the nearby hamlet of Slackhead.

this is an old gate post 

limestone pavement 
looks like a giant pine cone !
through the forest -I am in the distance !

This gives some information about the fairy steps 

Note from Dad : this is not only a good walk but a famous climbing area for bouldering this has a V15(the difficulty of a boulder problem is described by the American 'V' grade system that runs fromV0- to V15)
description of a climb called Walk Away V15 - (sit start)  The middle of the wall is utterly desperate by the way !!! in fact the sit start is pretty grim ;)

Video of view from the top of the fairy steps 
looking  down the fairy steps 
looking up the fairy steps 
if you want to see the fairies you are supposed to fit through this without touching the sides but it is too narrow for dad !!
tree trunk cut for the  path 
 an old house we found 
Route taken is

Animals at Lakeland Wildlife Oasis, Hale, Cumbria, in the Snow -4C

Links to Lakeland Wildlife Oasis 
Note from dad: we support the Lakeland Wildlife Oasis for their work they undertake in conservation we visit here often as we have a season ticket, 

lemur climbing 

funny bird 
it thinks we have some  food 
crested cranes 
red squirrel
hanging upside  down 
watching the Patagonian hares 

can you see the fruit bat 

video of the harvest mice 

link about the area 

Friday 26 November 2010

Spooky Wilderswood in the dark at -4 to -6 C, Winter Hill,Horwich,

Note from Dad :
Route early evening in complete darkness  -4c through to -6c with ice found on the path and rocks, we are also testing new high visibility clothing, new strobe safety equipment on a clearly defined path,  this area and route is known to me and Jake in both  poor weather conditions and at night, both Children have previously  experienced temperature's down to - 21C on a regular basis in winter when they lived abroad - basic family activities like going  to the supermarket from the car have to be done at -21C ,  Both Jake and Evie have multiple high performance layers on them to undertake this walk , we have online GPS tracking. we take our safety very seriously! Please be careful now the weather is getting colder and it is getting darker ,
some of previous Blog posts exploring in this area 
this is my new coat 

the back of my new coat -we are testing the strobe lights and the increased reflective patches 
walking  through  Wilderswood

This photo is the same doorway (looking the other way )as the Photo below - the difference being one is at  night  you need to careful - things you are familiar with look very different at night 

remember this  photo with the sheep ?

SPOOKY Wilderswood
ice on the path be careful 
me and Evie having a hot drink !

our route:

Wilderswood Mill

walking route's in this area

Underneath this route ;)

One of our routes

some of the Birds in this area -

Good ideas for day time Heritage trails in this area

History of Rockhaven castle - old house on this site before the wood

Sunday 21 November 2010

Cranberry Moss, Bull Hill, Darwen, - Old mines,Quarries and Old Brickwork site ?.

Stone quarry
Note from Dad this was in line with the mines found later but no sign of any coal mine waste
on top of the quarry
looking towards the mines 
hot chocolate on top of a mine waste tip
can you see Darwen tower ? and me of course !

to collect water ? 
on top of a yet another  mine

mine entrances 
stone sleeper ?
to another  mine  -in line with the quarry
long stone - part of the mine ?
I love hot chocolate -see the bricks?  - another old mine 
another mine shaft
Bull Hill Brickworks ?

brick kiln 
see the picture of the Bull Hill Brick from this Kiln ?

two deer can you see them ?
last of the mines we saw - we came across around 32 old mines -too many to inspect each one

reasons for this area being full of mines ?
"The Entwistles used to sink little pits on Cranberry Moss, They were what was called Darwen yard mines .just a  few yards deep, coals were bought up by windlass, and sent to Turton, there was  fighting amongst the men. Some of them were too lazy to go down for coal, but when it was brought up they would fight for its ownership"

referance to Darwen yard mines

Our route 
weather Cold  below 4c, High chill factor, Jake is now in winter grade clothing , we have changed Jakes socks to include a  waterproof /Breathable layer plus thermal layer, He has brand new Walsh PB's for increased traction.

Useful links 
Information about the River Darwen which starts on Cranberry Moss

Bull hill maternity hospital

reference to mining at Cranberry moss

fireclay accidents - mines on cranberry moss

reference to mine in this area