Wednesday 19 January 2011

climbing the waterfall at the blue lagoon, Horden Butts Delf, Hordern Stoops, Wards Reservoir, Belmont

 looking at Winter Hill and  the Winter Hill mast's,_Lancashire

overlooking Belmont and Blue lagoon
Hordern: (13th century ‘handran’ and ‘haderan’). Possibly from the Anglo-Saxon ‘heorde’ meaning herd, and ‘hyrne’ meaning a nook or corner.
Belmont: “Fair or beautiful mountain”. Derived from Low Latin ‘bellus’ – fair, beautiful, and ‘montem’ – a mountain.
taken from -,_Lancashire's_Reservoir

looking towards Hordern Stoops 
Hordern Stoops: This marks the parish boundary. Stoop is from the Icelandic ‘staup’ meaning a knobby lump, and has come to mean simply a post or stock

taken from -

Horden Butts Delf -old quarry
Belmont Parish Church - St Peters

sites about the Blue lagoon

note from dad: This can be a high volume waterfall , rocks very slippy, hand holds were very slippy ,volume of water can knock someone light off their feet,
be very careful, in the dark ,
Jake has been taught to move quickly and safely across this type of terrain and this type of challenge,- what appears easy is not !
Jake uses Walsh trainers whilst not designed for this are very grippy  in mud and wet conditions and on wet rocks, we use high performance waterproof and insulation layers to ensure Jake stay's warm and dry  , we have spare clothing and a full survival kit, the video's are not that good quality the temperature was just above freezing, it was dark, noisy and poor visibility from my breath with the  water spray from the water fall ,  it shows what  Jake managed.
the weather was clear and just above freezing, the water very cold , it was getting dark so you have to ensure you have clear communication and ensure all members of the party are safe

approach to the bottom of the water fall

above are other pictures of the waterfall

1st part 

2nd  part of the climb 

last section 

over the  fence at the top -winter Hill mast at the right side
Note from dad -Jake is on the right hand side  , Jake admiring the view towards the winter Hill mast
look at the lovely moon
look at Belmont at night
lights of Belmont and moon over the Blue lagoon,

last look at  the masts on winter hill,  how many ?
route is fast on the paths but slow across the moorland , fences are encountered on this run, 

some background to Belmont and the area 
support the local  mountain rescue teams 

Bolton Mountain rescue,

link to old map of this area

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