Saturday 23 April 2011

Lille center and on the metro

chocolate bunny given free on the metro for easter Yummy !

Metro trip some underground - i really enjoyed this !

Market for Books lovely old buildings 

can you see the golden statues ?

Chocolate place 

statue of a person ringing a bell 
TGV at Lille Flanders station -colours like a Eurostar train 

Crowne Plaza Lille 

copper covered hotel 

TGV at Lille International station -there was a good playground just around the corner 

Chambre de commerce, Lille

shop with cups in the air !
Saint Maurice Church 
Play area in the church !
pillars in the old church 
lighting a candle for Grandad to remember him , Grandad's Birthday would have been the 24th April and He would have been 67, Grandad sadly died 28th August 2008.
beautiful stained glass window 

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