Sunday 26 June 2011

Wilderswood to Two Lads to Winter Hill mast Brickworks to River Douglas

 on the way from wilderswood

the Pike
The mast in the mist -two lads is to the left
cinnabar month

 on the way to Two lads
wet -switched to waterproof Hat
on top of the two lads

on the way to the mast

we came across a wall next to this 3 bell pits
on of the bell pits

on the mast road
on the way down from the mast
the old brickworks
the old brickworks at the back of the mast

a old sink - they used to make these here
very interesting moss

very wet between the mast and River Douglas
This route was very wet today - this goes from the mast to Rivington Pike
nearly into the deep bog !
crossing a stream
I wanted to take this home -dad wouldn't let me !

River Douglas

quick break!
This is the water tunnel next to Brown Hill 
another rest !

 Lower Rivington reservoir

if you wanted to know what it looked like at the top of the Pike !

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