Tuesday 30 August 2011

Ligne 164, Bastogne to Wiltz, Belgium to Luxembourg

we crossed from Belgium to Luxembourg , we went through 3 tunnels !

164 Railway was a railway that Bastogne Nord Kautenbach Luxembourg covenant through Benonchamps. The course consists of four tunnels on Luxembourg territory.
The section between North Bastogne  and Benonchamps opened on July 18, 1887, the division up to the border on September 22, 1887. The Luxembourg section was opened two times, section Wiltz - Kautenbach on June 1, 1888 and Section line - Wiltz on July 1, 1888. The operation of the equipment line was done with Luxembourg.
On October 8, 1950 rode the last train from North to Bastogne Benonchamps. On school grounds until 23 September 1967 is still two pairs train from Luxembourg to Bastogne Nord but these have never been mentioned in the timetable. In 1967 this section was closed. 
Benonchamps between Wiltz and the trains as usual by the book until September 23, 1967 although the section was closed in 1965.
Now the line is broken up Wiltz, since she's still in use until Kautenbach and since 1991, this section also electrified. From North of Bastogne town is now a bike path built. The tunnels are still accessible and enlightened, but even during the summer it can seriously cold in and between the tunnels.

taken from 


Old station building can you see the platform remains?

the start of our walk was this sign , a long way to go from Paris to Moscow !!!!!!!!!!!!!
our walk was based on

the old railway track is great !

we came across a old goods yard
note from dad : used for the old border

some old cottages !
the first tunnel
Leo is very happy !
hmm I wonder what this was for - we find out later by using GPS and seeing where we are !
The path turned from concrete to asphalt 
can you see the lights ? so we can see our way !
the tunnel is cool,
note from Dad : in the PDF file in French is mentioned to be aware of the wind and temperature's found in the tunnel

out the other side
this sign is in french and mum says - reduced light !
name of the tunnel -Tussen Tunnels there are three of them ! but we couldn't go too far today !

another tunnel, Evie feels the cold wind !
can you see the ferns growing in the light ?

looking back at the tunnel !
me and Evie
Leo is looking at mum
racing into the next tunnel !
in the middle of the tunnel

into the next tunnel

going back !

Evie is looking for bugs and leaves !
Leo is  happy and awake :)
can you see the bug - Evie spotted it ,Its on a nettle so we could not pick it up !!
Dad climbed this !
These are old tool marks when they were making the tunnels

start of  stalactites
Leo is still happy and awake

Old station building - this is in Luxembourg

This is a old station

we found a old mine tunnel ! -it had around 12 inches of water in it so we couldn't go in it 
another time with equipment !

can you see the tunnel ?
running down the hill from the mine 
This is the border !
can you see the border ? I am in Luxembourg and Belgium, Evie is in Belgium,
the concrete paths are Belgium and the tarmac is Luxembourg . - its a long name !

Leo fell asleep
a gas main !

The sign warns of cars in German and French !

back to where we started !
It was great being able to stand between the two countries
I did this once before

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