Sunday 30 October 2011

Burnt Edge to New chapel lane

a simular route 


Evie is walking up the path from walker fold farm

this is called Chadwick's close farm I looked this up on the map
there was another farm in Halliwell with the same name

can you see the mast ? me and Evie are practicing on the walkie talkies
walker fold farm

Leo is not happy we found out later he got his first tooth !
can you see the stone track this is for the colliery !
the stone slabs stopped the heavy carts getting stuck !

this is the burnt edge colliery pit head
some of the old mine buildings
can you see the Caterpillar ?

me and Evie exploring on the old walls

there is a small tunnel here - this may be a old brick kiln ?

a hole you have to be careful when exploring
I am helping Evie cross the uneven grass
the old colliery
the track above the old colliery is very different  they did not lay out stone slabs !

this is the air shaft marked on the map

burnt edge farm
the mast

the two lads

Evie is going round a big puddle too deep for her wellies !
leo has gone to sleep can you see the mast ?
this is near white brow

we could see some llamas on the farm !
the Reebok staduim

we saw a fox here
these look like emu or rheas!

we found some stones six of them , three each side !
the horses were nice to touch
Leo woke up and was touching the horses

the six stones

this collects water - for the animals
me and Evie stroking the horses

I loved this horse he was so soft

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