Sunday 20 November 2011

New Chapel Lane ,Wilson Fold Farm ,Coal Brow and Bottom o'th moor

My route:

Note from Dad: the camera was wet and so some of the Photos have a blurred edge at the bottom,
apologies I had been out with jake on a navigation in the mist , I dropped the camera in a stream when i lost my footing on a slippery rock.

New chapel lane  we went  to walk up to the New chapel

New chapel was started in 1716!
After being ejected from Horwich Chapel, Richard Pilkington built "New Chapel" for the nonconformists between 1716 and 1719. It was enlarged in 1805.
The Pilkingtons were farmers who became gentry, Richard Pilkington was owner of rights of the Horwich Manor.William Pilkington (1765–1831) became a physician and apothecary in St Helens and his sons Richard (1795–1869) and William (1800–1872) were the founders of Pilkington Glass.
 the sheep came to stare at us!
 Bolton Fold Farm

we are not sure what the stone was for ?
 some new earthworks on the Bolton Fold farm land

 Leo looking around

 there are a lot of bare trees now which have lost their leaves.

 This is a old bridge made out of a stone slab !
 It looks like i have three arms ! -its Evie behind me !
 the leaves are beautiful at this time of year
  I catch a tree to stop me as its very muddy and slippy wish i wore my trainers !
 across another Bridge

 we spent some time stroking the horse he was very gentle !

 This is a place where you can get on a horse , can you see the stone trough ?
this is called Wilson fold farm,_1871_Census_Street_Index_U-Z
 its very muddy !

 the water drops look very nice on the grass

 see how deep the mud is
 its very steep and hard work with the mud

 can you see the cob webs ?

 this is a ground web ! they only show up when its wet !
 the old mine waste from Coal Brow

 I am looking at the rocks , there is no vegetation on this mine waste -something in the waste stops plants growing

 gorse flowers
 this section has been straightened was this the leval  for the mine?
 bits of coal found in the straight bit

 some more horses

 me and Evie enjoy GORP

(good old raisins and peanuts !)
 the lake near Bottom o'th moor'th'Moor
great name !

 I counted these and the tree was 36 !
 Horwich moor Methodist Church
 Bolton Fold Farm new work going ahead

 Great name

 Leo falls asleep he always falls asleep on this side ! Leo wont fall asleep on the pillow in the back carrier!

weather was cold -wet and very misty , everything became wet 

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