Saturday 12 November 2011

Two Lads, meeting with Mal and kite flying -Clare's Birthday

The route we took 

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Note from dad:
Jake has been ill for two weeks , so we are keeping things low key at the moment,

Me and Evie
 looking towards Horwich

 They have repaired the fence -
 can you see the pike ?

 the Two lads
 the Reebok stadium, Blackrod
 I met Mal Frith who writes the following web site

Evie playing with Brett and Sam can you see the stick ? we found this later !
 Can you see me ? there are some people collecting mushrooms ! can you see the Pike ?
 Mal  going back

 some of the mushrooms we saw

 Two Lads -Evie just climbing up

 Evie on one of the smaller ones

Jumping down

 Me and Evie taking a diffrent path to dad and Leo ,I am helping Evie cross safely

 can you see the pike it was very beautiful sunset
 the sunset

 you have to be careful , dad had checked this out before !
there is a lot of water going down here but it is not flooded ,
 this is blocked
 on the same line of shafts
 the mast
 I ran ahead to look at the Kites
 Clare came up here to celebrate her birthday what a great idea !
 they were flying three kites
 Clare is on the two Lads -it was her birthday !

 this is Evie flying the Kite,
Note from dad :thankyou very much for letting Evie fly the Kite !
we all wished Clare a happy Birthday !
 Evie flying the kite , I did not want to fly the kite !
what a great view and sunset ! fantastic to have a birthday  treat up here !
 looking at the sunset
we found the  the stick that Brett and Sam were playing with !
 its getting dark now !

The mast lights !

I would not recommend wellington boots  for this walk , Jake and Evie are very used to this and wanted to spend prolonged time splashing in the mud , please be careful  ,   


  1. Hello Jake (and Evie, Leo and Dad),
    Thanks for posting the pictures. We had a great time up Winter Hill and I'm sure it's the first of many trips. Meeting lovely people like you made it even more special.
    I'm going to take the time to read through your blog and get some more tips on where to go and what to do.
    Keep exploring!
    Thanks again, Clare x

  2. Note from dad ,Thanks very much for the comments , Evie really enjoyed being able to fly the Kite, Jake really enjoyed watching the kites , let us know if we can help you with any advice of if you would like Jake to show some of the great Historic places on Winter Hill, Rivington pike or Wilderswood
    Kind regards, Jake,Evie and Leo
