Sunday 25 December 2011

Christmas day and Wilderswood

Christmas day , I had a great day today , we went for a walk and watched films and played with our new toys , we had a really good breakfast and roast beef for our main meal.

 Me and Leo

 These are Leo's Hand prints


 We had Italian pancetta , Croissant and scrambled egg for Breakfast
 I liked this

 Leo enjoyed the breakfast - scrambled eggs and Croissant
 Evie looks at her presents

 one of my presents

 Evie is opening one of her Presents

 I am very happy the Game I wanted

 Leo opens his main present from out Nana

 Leo likes his new present 

 one of the Art books Evie got

 This is the Pin art -my Hand !

Walk around Wilderswood
we did this last year but it had snowed

our route this year


 in the woods

 Evie in her Pink coat
 Evie and mummy

 Love the mud !

 They have planted new trees to replace the pine trees which were cut down
the Pike !
 walking towards Cabin pit

 I am running up the track
 having a look at the stream which flows underneath the track here

 running past  there are a lot of mine tunnels under where we are
 part of the old mine buildings
 some odd holes in the walls ?
 this is old pit head !
 Iron trough

 The pike

 an old rail from the old mine used as a fence post !

 Looking over Horwich and Blackrod
winter Hill mast and the two lads and of course my hat !

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