Sunday 4 December 2011

quick post first snow on Winter Hill.

Rivington Pike -snow, we went via two Lads -cold weather -1 to the pike through fog with some falling snow
me doing a roly poly though the snow hadnt really settled but it was still fun !
running down the road snow falling   after going between the Pike and mast road 

watching the snow falling when we were in the car !

very odd night - hail , clear sky's with gusts of wind , then snow falling then fog then snow again - just a small amount though !


  1. Bit early for the first snow Jake! I live on the Fylde Coast. Sometimes I can see the snow. Today I can't!

  2. although it has snowed a few times it has never settled , this is the first time we saw this stick , I was a train early on Monday and there was a small amount on Horwich Parkway car park , when i came back it had gone , this relates only to this day but last year
    more heavy snow and lower temps
