Friday 16 December 2011

Sledging at Two Lads and Hole Bottom on Winter Hill

 we parked at the top car park there was a lot of snow

Note from Dad: Cold weather tyres allow us to get here safely

route taken

 Me and my sledge

 I have to keep my eyes shut to keep the night vision

 sledging at Two lads
 on top of two lads

 Sledging at Hole bottom

My dad Sledging :)

Safety :
Black ice on the roads , - 1 to -3 with a small wind chill felt like -5

"Although Winter Hill is a wonderful “playground” and a place of great
beauty and fascination for many of us, we should always be aware of the
hidden dangers at all times, and do all we can to minimise them.
Unfortunately, many of us like the bleakness and solitude of the place,
and often go wandering around on our own - and at times when there is
perhaps nobody else around on the moors – and in the most appalling
weather conditions! Some would call us foolhardy, but this is our choice
and what we choose to do - and we would defend our right to do just this
– so long as we are all aware of the possible dangers and we dress and
equip ourselves to minimise the risks.
In poor weather never underestimate Winter Hill. The bogs really ARE
there. The visibility really CAN vanish totally within 60 seconds. The
body surface temperature plus the chill factor for those unsuitably
dressed, really CAN drop to –10C or more on top of the Hill.
DO take care on Winter Hill ….. but enjoy it! Remember. It CAN bite"

Jake had multi layers on tonight to allow him to safely enjoy the snow ,
do enjoy but take care ,


  1. Hi Jake.
    Good to see you enjoying the snow.
    I am very jealous. We have not had any snow down in Derby and I love sledging.


  2. Jake enjoyed the sledging on the golf course and on the two lads , we went to Rivington pike where the sledging is faster , we saw a snow storm come in and with Leo in the back carrier we couldn't stay long , we shall see if we get some more snow !
    thanks for following Jake and Simon
