Wednesday 21 December 2011

Two Lads to Rivington and back again in fog/deep bog


around 4 miles in very foggy and failing light ,
the bogs were very deep tonight between the pike and the mast ,
Jake was at one point thigh deep !
very wet underfoot and wind chill left it feeling cold ,
This run was to test equipment and Jake's navigation .
for people who are unaware Jake has a full set of safety kit on him , full cover, phone, online GPS tracker -there are no blackout areas for the GPS on this route  , whistle, walkie talkie ,headlamp ,spare torch, Two strobe lights  -1 mile visibility , Hi reflective clothing, spare clothing, food .compass/map . we take Jake's safety very seriously, the clothing he uses is waterproof, multi layer high performance, His trainers are Walsh trainers designed for these conditions, Jake is very experienced on these fells but we err on the side of caution and kept to easy navigation routes. please be careful what Jake makes look easy really isn't in the dark and poor conditions. Please be careful !


Towards the two lads
the two lads in mist /fog
Me on two lads

race down towards Pike cottage
Brown Hill
River Douglas

getting foggy now

The pike in the fog/mist

Roly poly down from the pike

getting a drink
between the pike and the mast

The three photos shows you the visibility issue with the boundary wall
3 metres away
1 meter away

the boundary wall - this is very distinctive but unless you were on-top of it almost invisible

Headlamp allows me to see

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