Sunday 21 October 2012

Ahrensburg and Arnesvelde castle , Hamburg

We went to Ahrensburg 

we went to see the castle near Ahrensburg

 "Arx Arnsburga", also called Arnesvelde castle, was built around the year 1200. Ruins of the castle are still visible in the Hagen forest to the south of the town. The town coat of arms shows the castle in the upper field. There are records of reeves based in the castle in 1295 and 1304. In 1326, Count John III of Schauenburg had his reeve relocated to Trittau and abandoned the castle.

the forest

unknown object high in the trees ?


Leo loves to play falling down !

a nice picture

Leo has a stick

the train station at Volksdorf

the underground train we went on,0,11477648163922841034&ei=graWUI_6Co7HswbpmYDoAw&ved=0CIcBEPwSMAE

the spooky swamp
this is the raised walkway its great as you run across it , it moves !


this is the old castle remains !

the old moat

sunlight comes through the trees

its great being able to play ! here me and Evie climb across some logs

a leaf falls on Leo who fell asleep !

cranes  they made some strange sounds

we waited for a train 

some of the trees we saw

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