Wednesday 13 March 2013

Boží Dar, last day lots of new snow ,,Bo%C5%BE%C3%AD+Dar,+Czech+Republic&gl=uk&ei=9dNAUYmuI4antAbe34HABg&ved=0CLcBELYD

 more snow fell during the day we sledging but too much snow!

 Leo loves the sledge!

my dad and Leo,

 Leo likes the new  sledge,
my dad uses a keela jacket not a ski jacket,  this has two layers alone !
we use layers , Leo has thermal and waterproof  layers so can stay warm and dry even when on snow!

 Me and Evie snow tubing

 Evie can swing but the baby swing goes straight !



 it was snowing
 both my and Evie s freckles  have reappeared because of the snow !

 snow up the side of the house

 snow groomer for the slopes

 Me and Evie at top of the slope

 I hold onto Evies snow tube !
 it is very fast

 the temp dropped 4c to -9 it was very fine snow and frozen mist

 my mum and dad can see where we are even at this distance ! even in the mist and snow !

 Leo went to sleepit was - 11c , he is warm ! so he will go to sleep and stay asleep,
he has a thermal  foot muff and Leo tucks his hands in these, mum and dad have to check him to make sure he does not get too hot !

 Evie wears googles as the tempreture is very low now !

 snow blower which cleared the roads this morning

 the man clears the snow


 ready to sledge

 Evie uses Gortex to keep her warm and dry !

 with the red sledge you use your hands to balance to keep it straight ,

 the green sledge is very fast !

 Evies hair is frozen ,
we both use cream to protect our skin !
the wind had increased and meant the feel factor was -18c

 We had a great time !

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