Sunday 19 December 2010

NEW CHAPEL LANE to BOTTOM O'TH' MOOR to WALLSUCHES to ARCON , Horwich -circular walk -4c to -8c
2.8 miles in -4C to -8C

 new chapel lane -they cancelled the candle lit service -as the road is snow bound,
note from dad -we parked here to start the walk

  the sheep are following me   !
 one sheep is here
I'm stroking  the sheep
moor end  - BOTTOM O'TH' MOOR
on the ice path at WALLSUCHES

Wallsuches -Between Montserrat and Horwich is Wallsuches, and it is thought that the name is derived from 'wella', the Old English for water, and 'soc', Old English for soak. It was here that the Ridgeway family moved their bleaching croft, from the centre of Bolton, to a site by the stream called Pearl Brook in the late 18th century. Bottom o'th'Moor is just above Wallsuches.

 arcon village
what date is this ? can you see ?
 arcon village
housing development on old bleach works site
 arcon village

 wilderswood -mist and fog and the reason why we didn't go any higher

 golden windows at WALLSUCHES
 Ridgemont in the sunset
  this is  a nice view
 me in the snow
 me and Evie in the snow drift
note from dad: Both Evie and Jake are in cold weather high performance clothing,
the temperature was at this point -8C , outside clothing was now becoming frozen solid,- gloves and hats ,
another layer protected them keeping them safe,

Fiddlers ferry power station can be seen on left  red moss on right 

snow angel !

 note from dad -looking down the hill New chapel lane
note from dad- up the hill  - we saw 3 cars get stuck on this hill it is steeper than it looks and does not have a clear run up it,
no pavement - one of the reason's  for the Hi vis jackets for Jake and Evie,
take care and use Cold weather tyres - (winter tyres) and the reason why we got up here!

Jakes/Evie's  clothing safety margins
each has cold weather high performance clothing,
Jake 5 layers on core , 3 on legs/feet , 3 on head
Evie 5 layers on core , 3 on legs/feet , 3 on head
both have hi vis clothing + multiple reflective strips found on each layer,
Both Children are used to very low temperature's ,distance
don't under estimate how tiring the snow and ice can be on children

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