Tuesday 21 December 2010

Wilderswood, Winter Hill ,Horwich in the snow up to 3ft in drits -4 to -6 c

 Two Lads and winter Hill mast - view from wilderswood car park


"Although Winter Hill is a wonderful “playground” and a place of great
beauty and fascination for many of us, we should always be aware of the
hidden dangers at all times, and do all we can to minimise them.
Unfortunately, many of us like the bleakness and solitude of the place,
and often go wandering around on our own - and at times when there is
perhaps nobody else around on the moors – and in the most appalling
weather conditions! Some would call us foolhardy, but this is our choice
and what we choose to do - and we would defend our right to do just this
– so long as we are all aware of the possible dangers and we dress and
equip ourselves to minimise the risks.
In poor weather never underestimate Winter Hill. The bogs really ARE
there. The visibility really CAN vanish totally within 60 seconds. The
body surface temperature plus the chill factor for those unsuitably
dressed, really CAN drop to –10C or more on top of the Hill.
DO take care on Winter Hill ….. but enjoy it! Remember. It CAN bite"

today the weather was - 4c dropping to -6c combined with scrambling along a  ice covered stream with a water at 3C,  the  snow was waste high for Jake in several parts of the  scramble,  The road was passable with care (I saw two local  cars get stuck and they were just moving their cars off the driveway to the small car park opposite their houses , get stuck up here and  you have a long walk in these temperature's with wet -ice covered clothing( in this case ) is not a a positive experience for a 7 year old!


ice stream scramble

 me on the ice -scrambling down a set of steps
 me stamping on the ice BANG!
 me waking on the ice

the ice is slippery
me sliding dawn the ice

a branch is in the way  
 this snow is slippery
Note from Dad insulate yourself when sitting down -Jake enjoyed the Hot chocolate !

 giant block of ice
 Mine audit in the snow -this is blocked after a few meters
 tree in the way

going in the and through the water tunnel 

exit to a tunnel
Cabin Pit
note from Dad :change of gloves  was all that was needed to keep Jake warm - picking up ice out of the water was too much for one set of gloves!

see Jakes other Blogs for more information  and pictures in the summer,


Good local heritage site

Good fossil guide to this area

Bolton Mountain rescue

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