Thursday 11 August 2011

My Birthday I am 8 years old today

Evie and Jake and leo
Note Jake reviewed the Blog Photos and helped me write this entry !
Evie helping Jake ;)
Apache Helicopter 

Jake outside the Imperial War Museum
Rank Hovis and T55 turret
Harrier Jet

Old WW1 siege gun used by Germany
T34 tank
I saw these in Prague !
DDR - East Germany 
Old Contact mine
Rolls Royce Merlin engine
Rolls Royce Merlin engine
Vulcan bomber jet engine
Outside the BBC Manchester at Media City ! 

 Coal pit road
 Old dam -showing the  mist

very wet  just the way we like it ;)
mist became driving rain  , 

misty conditions 
one hat 

wet condition's underfoot 

two hats plus change of trousers  to  waterproof

 Winter Hill trigg - I am standing on this ! very atmospheric ,
the last time i did this

 Two lads
 gateway on wildersmoor near Wilderswood

Jake in the dark - taken under some trees when we were running  , his Jacket has reflective strips on it so does the bum bag he has on this is combined with the reflective vest adds to safety aspect, either side of jakes reflective vest are two hi viz  strobe lights one rated at 1 mile plus Jakes safety kit - spare torches, whistle, gloves(waterproof), map/compass. food, reflective blanket, he has a GPS tracker on him plus a proximity alarm set to go off after the safety zone distance from me is breached, a mobile phone,
we switched to Jakes winter grade waterproof for this run as a precaution due to the weather conditions,
I carry further spares - for Jake, spare hat, spare winter grade socks thicker fleece zip in or stand alone, spare coat to allow duel layer coat technology in this case , I carry two survival bags  plus spare torches ,

weather condition's :  mist which turned to driving rain , very wet with very low visibility ,

6.9 miles to the field next to where we live,
323 metres gain
aver 3.6 miles
full blog entry

Jake had a full set of wet weather equipment on in the end  , Jake changed his equipment as the conditions changed , this is a tough route in what were far from ideal conditions , a lot of care is taken to keep jake safe,  No jake did not get the hi viz vest for his birthday!

Note: this entry was entered by Jake's Dad with Jake's assistance !


  1. Have a great Birthday Jake

  2. thanks for the Birthday wishes , Jake had a really good birthday , he was very motivated to go up winter hill after his birthday tea, 6.9 miles in poor condition's, Simon

  3. A dreich birthday run on Winter Hill Jake :)

  4. agreed re the weather comment,
    great term acknowledgement on the full blog of this run
