Tuesday 12 March 2013

Czech Republic to Germany and Back again light snow -9c feel factor -15c

 setting off it was -9 but the wind chill was low at -15, Leo's cover had frozen straight away , the cover had gone brittle ,

 fresh snow with more due great !

 buried in  snow the play ground , spielplatz in German

 the wind chill in this exposed part had dropped to -20!
 I put up another hood to reduce the effect of the wind

 It began to snow the snow was very small flakes  !

 It was better in the forest !
 one of the snow drifts , it was frozen so easy to walk on !

 all the trees were covered in snow !
 It was very beautiful

 Leo has 5 layers on him , we have spare clothing on us, a map , I have a compass, a whistle  a strobe light  just in case ,
 Evie carries a whistle and strobe light

 on our way towards German Czech border

 The Border with Germany, Pozor means beware !

 standing between the Czech Republic and Germany

 signs in Czech  and German


 In Germany !

 The trees were beautiful!
 Evie Practising climbing snow drifts,
 you can see the fresh snow !

 one of the circular pattern  trees !
 a snow covered tree!

 my dad showed us which trees were best to survive a night out under and also from a blizzard

 you can see the cross country ski tracks also the push chair

 the hi viz jacket has a high viz marking which appears to flash when you move your arms ,
 learning how to cross snow drifts

 It was snowing now only the recent tracks you can see , the three wheeler tracks are distinct
 the Czech and German Border , this was east Germany so the border was not as protected as the East West divide from the last war ,

 the no man land , Me , mum and Evie on the German Side, Dad and Leo inbetween CZ and DE
 German Czech border

 in CZ,

 can you see the Skier ?

 we had some biscuits the jam had frozen in them! so they were hard but still tasted nice !

 this highlights the snow !

great walk , tiring as it was 7 km for Evie 

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