Monday 11 March 2013

Ježíškova cesta, Sledging , snow tube , Boží Dar -6 to -14 feel factor down to -14

 It was fresh snow, we went to buy a new sledge , it was - 12 when we woke , leo has two sets of gloves on , he went out first !

 This is the new sledge it stays flexible down to -20,
 we use High viz jackets to help mum and dad spot us and keep us safe on the road , it has both yellow and orange , plus reflective strips on them

 eveything was coated in snow, Schnee  in German and sníh in Czech
 we had the slopes to ourselves

 I could now sledge to the bottom of the slope , it was frozen and fresh snow on top

 I sledged with Leo , we leave the pushchair at the bottom of the slope

 we put on face cream to protect the face from the snow and wind ,

 Evie and I wear ski goggles to help protect us from the wind and sun

 Evie and Leo

 It is frozen and very difficult to get up

 the reason for the high viz jackets ,

 my dad and Leo

 we go snow tubing down

 sledging together

 falling out of the sledge

 Leo on the swing ,

 Evie wore her gortex ski trousers

 ice from snow and Leo's breath

 Evie took her gloves off !

 we started on a 4.5km walk in snow and -9,
Ježíškova cesta,
It was very beautiful as it had snowed in the night

This is the Children's trail  Ježíškova cesta

 can you see the beetle ?

It was cold but very snowy

 Deer tracks?
 Deep snow?

sliding down the snow banks

one of the stations for the walk

yes it was deep snow , a playground buried  by snow !

sitting on  deep snow covered log

Last one today , 4.8km -8 wind chill -13,

Black ice

safer off the road

My frozen hair !

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