the view
Boží Dar
road covered in snow with Ice ,
This journey is around 610 km and takes around 6 hours, Snow had fallen across Germany and was still snowing,
Note from Dad
We use Winter Tyres or cold weather tyres which are compulsory in the Czech Republic and recommended in Germany (to avoid a fine) in snow,ice or winter condtions , the highest it got was - 2 and lowest - 14c
We use these in the UK for around 7 months as we take the safety of our vehicle in cold weather seriously, as the morning and evening temp which does not go above 7c as they work more effectively below 7c than standard tyres.
In the CZ
as this area is subject to severe snow falls some falls have been 40cm over this holiday and the hills are very steep we keep a set of snow chains in the car and know how to use them,
Boží Dar
road covered in snow with Ice ,
This journey is around 610 km and takes around 6 hours, Snow had fallen across Germany and was still snowing,
Note from Dad
We use Winter Tyres or cold weather tyres which are compulsory in the Czech Republic and recommended in Germany (to avoid a fine) in snow,ice or winter condtions , the highest it got was - 2 and lowest - 14c
We use these in the UK for around 7 months as we take the safety of our vehicle in cold weather seriously, as the morning and evening temp which does not go above 7c as they work more effectively below 7c than standard tyres.
In the CZ
as this area is subject to severe snow falls some falls have been 40cm over this holiday and the hills are very steep we keep a set of snow chains in the car and know how to use them,